Put these files in a clean .vim directory under your ~user directory
Create symlinks to the configuration files using these commands:
Install Shell Scripts.
ctrlp – fuzzy project searching
minibufexpl – to show buffer list at the top of the screen
vim-surround – wrapping text with html tags or other characters
commentary – commenting and uncommenting lines
vim-multiple-cursors – Sublime Text style multiple cursors
EasyGrep – Faster easier multifile text search
vim-airline – Configurable status bar
vim-gitgutter – Show git status lines in gutter
vim-better-whitespace – Show and remove whitespace at the end of lines
nerdtree – File browser
vim-coffee-script – Coffeescript syntax highlighting
vim-css3-syntax – CSS3 & SASS syntax support
vim-less – Syntax highlighting for Less, requires vim-css3-syntax
vim-fugitive – Git wrapper, adds current branch to Airline status bar
Additional files
The html transformation commands at the bottom of the vimrc file require scripts you can find in my Scripts repository. Those scripts should be installed in your ~/Scripts/ directory on Mac.
Thanks to...
Tim Pope for Pathogen and many other great Vim treats
Jonathan Filip for the Lucius color scheme
Mislav Marohnić for his base Vim setup
Plugins to try
ack.vim – Replacement for EasyGrep
Keyboard Command Reference
Open in Safari = \o
Convert to markdown (add p tags) = \md
Convert HTML to markdown = \ht
Educate quotes = \6
Convert html to entities = \7
html encode = [x decode = ]x
Wrap line = put cursor on line, type yss then what you want to wrap (works with HTML tags)
Replace surrounding character = cs[old character][new character] (example, change double to single quotes: cs"')
Comment selection = \
Comment line = \\
Text search in project = :Grep regexp
Change search options: :GrepOptions
Search for current word in project = \vv
Vertical selection = [control-v]
Multiple cursors = [control-n] when on a word to start a cursor at the next matching word ([control-p] to go back, [control-x] to skip)
Live multiline cursors = Create vertical visual selection, then press [control-n]
Search current directory = [control-p], select ".." to go up a directory, [F5] to refresh
Remove trailing whitespace = :StripWhitespace
Toggle NERD Tree = [control-t]
Full buffer NERD Tree = :Explore
Create new file in NERD Tree = m, then press a
Git commands, open in background temporarily = :Git [command], use % to pass in current file
Git commands, open in buffer = :Gcommit, :Gstatus, :Gdiff, :Gblame
Helpful Shell Commands
Put Vim in the background = [control-z]
Return Vim to the foreground = fg
Open MacVim inside the terminal = mvim -v
General Vim commands
Escape insert mode = Esc or [control-]]
Undo = u
Redo = [control-r]
Page up & page down = [control-f] & [control-b]
Replace word = cw
Switch buffers = [control-tab] go backwards by adding shift
Close buffer = :bd
Next/Prev buffer = :bn :bp
List buffer = :ls
Start new file = :e newfile.txt
Wrap line = put cursor in line, type yss then what you want to wrap... could be HTML
Insert new line = o or O for line before
Delete line = dd
Delete until end of line = D
Join next line with current line = J
Go to line = line# gg
Go to end of line = $
Go to beginning of line = 0
turn off auto indent = set noautoindent
see buffer commands = :b[tab]
copy line into register = "[letter]yy (More on how to use registers)
see all registers = :reg
system clipboard = "*
Vertical select = control+v then select your column, I to insert, d to delete, r to replace
Window commands = control+w s split window, control+w hjkl move windows control+w c close window, control+q to quit a window
Replace to end of line = c$
Indent line = :>>
Repeat last command = .
find = :/[text here]
Find next = n (previous = N)
Find and replace = %s/searchterm/replacementtext/c (% = whole file, c = confirm change), more info
Clear search highlight = :noh
Text search in project = :vimgrep /regex/gj */ (then use :cw to see a list of results, more info)
Word complete = [control-n] or [control-p] in Insert mode
Change case = gu (lowercase), gU (uppercase)
Recording keystrokes = q[buffer key], stop recording with q, play recording with @[buffer key]
Help for command = :help COMMAND
List of commands = :command [optional command] (use for when you have command conflicts)
Run shell command from Vim = :![shell command]
Close quickfix window = :ccl
Enable word wrap = :set wrap (nowrap to disable)
Last updated
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