App Favorites
I've left default Apple apps off this list (like Calendar, and Music), but I use those as well.
1Password - Password vault
Acorn - Image editor
Arq Backup - Backup archived files to B2 or S3
Backblaze - Backup entire computer
Beekeeper Studio - Database editor (SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, CockroachDB, SQL Server, and Amazon Redshift)
BBEdit - Lightweight text editor
Be Focused Pro - Pomodoro timer
Boop - Text transformers
CodeRunner - Playground for different programming languages
Creative Cloud - I use this just for Photoshop.
DaisyDisk - Helps cleanup old files
Dropbox - Sync files - VPN
Forecast - Edit tags for podcast mp3s
HandBrake - Convert video files
Hazel - automate file cleanup and organization
HazeOver - Darken inactive windows
Hidden - Hide menu bar apps
ImageOptim - Batch compress images
Insomnia - HTTP / REST client (free)
IntelliJ - IDE for web project
iTerm - Terminal alternative with more features
Keyboard Maestro - Text snippets, clipboard history, and OS automation
Maccy - Lightweight clipboard manager
MenuBar Stats - Keep track of runaway apps
Moom - Window management
Monitor Control - Control 3rd party monitors with system UI
Music Converter Pro - Convert audio files
Patterns - Regex helper
Paw - Debug HTTP requests
PGAdmin - Postgres admin GUI
Piezo - Record audio
Postman - Debug HTTP requests (free)
Rectangle - Move and resize windows with keyboard shortcuts
Reeder - RSS reader
Rest - Make yourself to take screen breaks
RH Timers - Until Siri can do timers
Scrutiny - Check links for websites
Sequel Pro - GUI for MySQL
Shortcat - Universal command palette
Soulver - A better calculator
SourceTree - Free Git GUI
SuperDuper! - Full disk backup
Superkey - Search and click on things by text, and remap a key to Hyper
Textual - IRC client
Todoist - Cross platform to do list service
ToothFairy - Connect to AirPods from menu bar
Transmit - File transfer to remote
TripMode - Throttle apps while on cellular data
Turbo Boost Switcher Pro - Turn off CPU turbo boost while on battery power
Viscosity - OpenVPN client
Visual Studio Code - Light code text editor (Use Github for settings sync)
Xnip - Annotate screenshots
XScope - Measure things on screen
Apps to Consider
Great list of open source Mac apps:
List of Homebrew Casks:
iStat Menus - Keep track of runaway apps
BlockBlock - Get alerts when apps try to install background processes
LuLu - Open Source LittleSnitch alternative, blocks outgoing apps
Timer - Open Source timer app
SwiftBar - Put the results of scripts in your menu bar
CleanShot X - Screenshot tool
Suspicious Package - Inspect MacOS installers
Mouseless - Keyboard shortcut trainer
VimMotion - Vim like keyboard nav for Mac
Blurred - Open Source alternative to HazeOver
Parallels -Virtual Machines
Time Out - Take breaks
LaunchControl - Manage and debug system services - Search and click things by text
Wooshy - Search and click things by text
Red Lines Tools - Add guides to the screen - Windows like Alt Tabbing interface - Customize trackpad and mouse gestures
Raycast - Extensible launcher, like Quicksilver or Spotlight - Search engine for everything you do on the Mac
Github CLI - Commands to help w/ Github
Scoot - Another element based Vim like keyboard for Mac
Pomy - Pomodoro & eye strain timer
Intermission - Break timer - Break timer
TripMode App Store Version - Control which apps have access to the internet
Little Snitch Mini - See what apps are doing what on the internet
Exporter - export Apples notes files
Horo - free timer app
RecurseChat - Run Mistral model and chat with it locally
Snippet - Generate beautiful code screenshots
Retired Apps
Bartender - Organize Mac menu bar
Virtual Box - X86 virtual machines
Keyboard shortcuts of note
Dictation - Ctrl twice (needs to be set in System prefs) / Meh + D
Siri - Hold Opt Space / Meh + S
Keyboard Maestro Macro - Meh + T
Lock Screen / Put Display to Sleep - Ctrl Shift Q
Clipboard History (KM) - Ctrl Opt Cmd V
1Password Autofill - Cmd
1Password Global - Cmd Shit \
Shortcat (Superkey) - Right Cmd F
(KM): Custom Keyboard Maestro shortcut
(Superkey): Right Cmd mapped to Hyper key using Superkey or Karabiner
Useful Terminal Commands
Check disk stats like lifetime read and writes: $ smartctl --all /dev/disk0
2017 MacBook Pro (about ~3 years of usage): Data Units Read: 746,318,540 [382 TB] Data Units Written: 100,074,549 [51.2 TB] Power On Hours: 1,349
Check system uptime: $ uptime
Check system sleep / wake cycles: $ pmset -g log|grep -e " Sleep " -e " Wake "
Backup Exclusions
Time Machine
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport
~/Library/Application Support/NVIDIA
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/coresimulator
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport
Homebrew Packages
Get list of top level packages with $ brew leaves
Launchd services
List non-Apple services: $ launchctl list | grep -v
inverts the grep match)
Remove service: $ launchctl remove NameHere
More info about launchd from the maker of LaunchControl.
Preventing a Mac From Waking Up Randomly
In Settings / Notifications / Do Not Disturb: Check the box to turn on Do Not Disturb when the Display is Sleeping (I also have it set to turn on DND from 10pm to 7am, when the screen is locked, and when mirroring)
Unconfirmed ideas:
In Settings / Battery / Power Adapter disable Wake for Network Access
In Settings / Bluetooth / Advanced disable Allow Bluetooth Devices to Wake This Computer
In Settings / Battery / Power Adapter turn off Sleep When Display is Off
Last updated
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